Products / - Electronic Controllers / Fireplaces' thermostats / Temperature controllers for boiler-fireplaces
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Controller for the automatic managment of water pump (circulator) proportionally to temperature of the fireplace.
Anti-ice protection for the water plant and anti-block care for the pump.
It is already settled properly from the manufacturer, though there is a easy menu with certain useful settings for your desirable configuration.
Distinct 3-digits' display, acoustic alarm signal in case of excessive fire.
In water plants with combination fireplace and other heating sources (oil-burners, gas-burners...) ability of managment of the three-way motorized valve.
Deactivation of other heating source when the water temperature from the fireplace comes up to desirable. Furthermore, managment of sanitary hot water.
Special models can manage the water temperature of a fireplace, besides the heating load of a buffer tank, room temperature, pressure etc.
Manage simultaneously pumps, buffer, boilers, heat exchangers, motorized valves, the flame level in the fireplace etc.
So, complete energy managment of whole heating plant even compined with parallel heating sources.
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