Products / - Electronic Controllers / For pellet burners / Digital controller for wood boilers or biomass burners
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Latest technology system for wood boilers, that manages combustion blower and circulation pump. Besides it can controls pellet burners: pellet igniter, auger motor, combustion fan, circulator or second auger.
Inputs: for water temperature sensor, exhausting temperature sensor, buffer temperature sensor, ambient thermostat, pellet level sensor, and two more auxiliary inputs. Selection for management by photocell.
Flexible programming menu in two different levels including all the necessary configurations for self-controlled and perfect combustion. The values of parameters are initially settled by the manufacturer though the user can modifies them by the menu. By this way the controller can be configurated for every burner construction and beside for different kind of solid fuels such as pellet , corn, wood chips etc.
Optional: radio remote control.
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